Firewood for Pickup or Delivery
**PICK UP by scheduled appointment only
***Cash or check payment
Get The Job Done Right with Tip Top Tree Care, LLC
The best burning wood is seasoned hardwood. Seasoned wood means the tree has been cut and allowed to dry for at least one year, although it need not be split. The logs we are currently splitting were cut last spring. With 6 - 18 months of dry time, we guarantee our logs will burn hot and complete.
Keep split firewood in a dry place that gets proper ventilation and sunlight. It is not a good idea to store firewood too close to the house. It is safe to keep an immediate supply of wood in an iron ring on the patio, porch, or even beside the fireplace. If the wood is well-seasoned, you can cover the pile with plastic but be aware that a plastic cover will slow down the seasoning process. It is also a good idea to keep the wood on two treated two-by-fours so that it is not in contact with soil.
At Tip Top Tree Care, LLC we have plenty of wood to offer. We have over 100 full length logs ready to split seasoned for at least one year. Please call us for a quote for delivered and stacked seasoned firewood.
We can deliver and stack your firewood, or you're welcome to come pick it up (by scheduled appointment only) from our farm.
Prices are as follows:
$110 per rick to pick up
$175 per rick to deliver
$225 per rick to deliver & stack it if we can pull right up to where we need to stack it
We offer firewood pickup and delivery services in Knox County and throughout Tennessee serving Clinton, Farragut, Knoxville, Powell, Oak Ridge and the surrounding towns, areas and counties.
Contact A Firewood Pickup & Delivery Company For Help
Contact our seasoned firewood pickup and delivery company today!